Riot Games has announced that the League of Legends in-game store is being cleaned up. This news came via a post titled “Item Shop Cleanup” shared to the Developer Corner section of the Riot Games forums. Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, the lead gameplay designer for League of Legends, wrote about some of the updates his team is working on. Scruffy mentioned that one of the main problems keeping the team from creating new items is the crowded shop. With such a large selection, beginners and those trying out new champions have a hard time finding their items quickly. There are also many items that just don’t see much usage at all. Scruffy went on to class some of these problem items in various categories. He also went on to discuss several new items the team is looking to add to the game. Unhealthy items The first category includes items described as too overpowered. Players who have access to such items will usually demonstrate a much more solo-like behavior. This gear allows p...
'#Mobile #Legends: #Bang Bang' is getting pumped up. They have been releasing a new hero week after week. With Karrie and Harley recently added to the already numerous heroes in the game, they will be releasing another hero soon. Players have mixed emotions about the release as battle points are not easy to obtain. Diamond, on the other hand, can be obtained by real money through the process they call charging diamonds. Nonetheless, most players are thrilled to see the new addition to the Mobile Legends family. Who is the new girl? The new hero is a girl tagged as the 'Descendant of Forest'. Another clue is that she has an animal mount. To spill the beans, her name is Mona and she rides a sabertooth tiger named Leo. Badass? Yes of course. While many players have seen a resemblance between Mona and the hero from 'DOTA 2' Mirana, it can only be mere coincidence. it all goes down to what Mona can do and what makes her different. Aside from the fact that th...